I was shocked to learn the phrase “Christ Is King” was trending globally on Twitter recently.
What is happening? I thought... Was a great conversion happening, on Palm Sunday no less?
While it’s true there is a resurgence of powerful conversions to Catholicism, there was more to this trending term than meets the eye.
On one hand, it became immediately clear that some have decided the phrase is inherently anti-semitic, and that any use of it must be the same.
Which is categorically false.
And yet... there’s a darker side to the story.
There also exists a group of dissatisfied men raging against the current social milieu, parading around the phrase “Christ Is King” while talking about the greatness of Hitler.
This movement seems, to me, to co-opt the aesthetic of traditional Catholicism, weaponizing it for its own ends.
Which, to be frank, misses the point entirely.
Catholicism, in all of its greatness is not merely a tool for building a magnificent society, though it does that remarkably well.
Catholicism is the revelation of God to Mankind through Jesus Christ. It doesn’t merely demand adherence to an aesthetic opposing liberals. It demands your whole life.
It demands the death of our prejudices, because its call is upon all men. It is truly universal.
It beckons the destruction of the dividing wall of hostility, so that in Christ there is no Jew, Greek, Barbarian, Slave, Freemen, Male, or Female.
Far from being some post-modern deconstruction of actual differences, this is a call to be unified in Christ, the new head of humanity, on the basis of His redemptive work. It’s a demand to uphold the inherent dignity of every human person who is made in God’s own image.
And this grand society of Christendom cannot be built except by Love. By true and proper worship, which orients and forms the human heart towards God, and orients his efforts towards the benefit of his neighbor.
This reality could not have less to do with the likes of Hitler.
Which brings up an interesting point...
The whole onslaught of criticism against the phrase “Christ Is King” has nothing to do with its true meaning. It has everything to do with a great violation of the second commandment.
This commandment prohibits of from taking the name of our Lord in vain.
This isn’t merely uttering the name when you stub your toe... It’s much deeper than that. It’s misrepresenting the character of the One you name.
It’s saying Christ is like this, and twisting the perception of who He is, what He is like, and what He stands for.
To proclaim “Christ is King”, while fundamentally opposing the type of kingdom He creates is dangerous.
What’s ironic is this comes from a group who accuses the Jews of blaspheming in their rejection of Christ.
What about blaspheming by misrepresenting Him?
They accuse Jews of co-opting a religious tradition, covertly promulgating a subversive social order, and seeking power to redefine social and political power for their own gain.
Is this not what those who follow Fuentes do when they fundamentally re-define terms like “Christ Is King”?
I think so.
The thing that comes to mind is when Christ says "Narrow is the way"...
Broad is the path that leads to destruction. Whether it's the left, or right of the narrow way. Whether it's denying Christ, or using Catholicism as a costume for your ghoulish intentions.
Catholics need a strong response to both.
Christ IS King. King of the Universe. The Reality of His reign will not be ignored. Neither will His Name be used for demonic ends.
Christ is King. So let us live in the Reality of His Kingship, and proclaim the Gospel full-force to Jew and Greek, Barbarian and Scythian, Man and Woman. Let us proclaim it to the ends of the earth, so that all men may know Jesus Christ, and love Him and serve Him.
Viva Cristo Rey!